Saturday, February 15, 2014

Morvern Callar

During the first scene of Morvern Callar, I along with many others was not aware the man laying on the floor was not dead cuddled up to Morvern. This definitely caught me off the guard and once I realized he was dead my first instinct was he was murdered. Not by Morvern necessarily, but it is apparent something tragic happened, you can put two and two together once we see the suicide note and manuscript on the computer.
     The only real thing I can accept from the character of Morvern is that she isn't all there. How she decides to go about handling the remains of her boyfriend’s body, I felt the scene in bathtub was extremely off putting and something only in the mind of a psychotic. Revenge seems to be key the element of the film. Morvern's boyfriend, James requests that she sell his book, which I don't even think during the film she's ever seen actually reading in it. Instead she pawns it off as her own and gets a big payday in the end result in Brazil.
         In class I tried to get my theory off that Morvern could have murdered James, during the scene where Lanna and Morvern are stranded on the side of the road Lanna tells her she slept with James 1:13:41-1:14:55. It looks as if Morvern may have already known, but it’s that it’s Morvern’s boyfriend and her best friend, even though Lanna refers to it as a “stupid fuck” and it doesn’t mean anything it doesn’t make a difference, it still happened.
         James did commit suicide, which I am well aware of, but it still could have been possible for Marvern to have killed James and to finish off her revenge kill Lanna, sell the book for the astronomical figure she got and just move off starting over somewhere. Not to mention escape the petty, boring, unfulfilling life she has back home working at the grocery store.
What throws me off guard is toward the ending when Morvern asks Lanna to leave with her after she gets the money. Morvern has cleaned out her apartment and probably didn’t put in a two weeks notice at the store. It still baffles me that she asked Lanna to leave with. 

1 comment:

  1. That was an interesting post however Morvern did not receive her big pay day in Brazil. She had the publishers meet her in Spain to make the deal. Also Morvern looks like she may have already known about Lana and James while Lana was talking about the incident because Morvern did know. Lana had already confessed the incident to Morvern when they were in bed together before going on holiday. When Lana said that her and James were "pals", that is what she was referring to. So the scene that took place on the side of the road was Lana repeated her what she did to Morvern out of anger because they were fighting.
