Friday, February 7, 2014

Easy Rider

Captain America and Billy the Kid through out Easy Rider have only one thing on their mind after making a massive sale that can set them up for a very long time. The image of riding their bikes across country to New Orleans for Mardi Gras and after that to Florida to retire and enjoy life. As long as they have their pot, money stashed safely away in Captain’s gas tank, and each other, everything will be fine.
            Easy Rider is a film my father has been pushing me watch for a long time. I have always been obsessed with Hollywood, even living there at one time, so I was stressed to watch this film starring these two Hollywood legends. I had watched Dennis Hopper in other films and this seemed like one of the more kind characters he had played in his lifetime. I could not imagine a Dennis Hopper character in a different movie feeling enough sympathy to give a hitchhiker a ride and share his marijuana.
            Both Captain America and Billy share in common the satisfaction they get from riding their Harley’s around the country and of course doing drugs, however during this time period drug use was a common as drinking. The two seem almost inseparable at first that they both thrive off each other but I thought things went sour when they see themselves getting more and more side tracked on getting to New Orleans. It is safe to that Captain America is calling the shots but there are quite a few instances that look like they won’t make it, at least not together.

I viewed Billy the Kid and Captain America as platonic life partners. From business to being there for each other as best friends it is evident that these two will do anything for each other. I thought if anything at some point a female could intervene and take the plot for a twist but besides some of the hookers they meet and go to New Orleans with that was not going to happen. 

1 comment:

  1. I do agree with your distinguishing of Billy and Captain America's characters as platonic life partners, but I didn't necessarily detect what the general overarching theme of your post was, other than your delayed experience of the film itself. I would suggest taking some specific scenes in which the emphasis on Wyatt's and Billy's cemented friendship is made evident, and I would recommend engaging in some more extensive analysis of those scenes. You have a good base for a post here. Just elaborate a bit more.
