Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Scene Proposal

Travis Bickle has been on the clock for several hours at this point, probably sleep deprived of at least a couple days, as well as driven every piece of scum imaginable by this point around the city. While there maybe not be verbal judgement, Travis makes a notorious stare to many different people throughout the film. It is a judgmental process of “the world would be better if you were not in it” kind of stare ranging from random people he sees on the street, his clients he drives, as well as his co-workers. The Wizard has an influence on Travis, his inspirational speech at Pelmore Cafeteria channels Travis’s inner vigilante leading to his act of condemnation.
There are only two people in the film Travis has a mild respect for one being Iris who Travis does everything in his power to help, leading to his life almost being taken. The other being the Wizard, who has been a taxi driver for 17 years, knows the game better then anyone else. More then anything The Wizard seems like the only person in the film who actually has a bit of common sense, hard to give that claim to any other characters.
Travis reveals he has some “bad ideas in his head” he is having issues dealing with them. The Wizard claims when you take a job it becomes you, driving a cab has been this man’s bread and butter the majority of his life. He states he doesn’t own his own cab after this 17 year tenure, simply because he does not want too. The Wizard does have trouble taking in Travis’s disturbing thoughts and urges that he has, A man takes a job, you know. That job, that becomes what he is. You do a thing and that's what you are. You get a job, you become that job."
At first Travis is baffled by The Wizard’s twisted philosophy, however this is nothing new to the Wizard. In fact it seemed like something he probably enjoys a side hobby. Doing my outline for this scene analysis it has to be taken into consideration the range of people The Wizard had driven over that long tenure. From some of the most successful New York has ever seen to the absolute garbage outside Peter Luger in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. The magnitude of everything Wizard has seen it is hard to think of the list of things he has not seen. There must not be to many things that shock him.
The Wizard claims Travis will be ok, perhaps by that he meant Travis will go on a vigilante mission almost losing his life but in the end make it out alive. For what's it worth The Wizard could just be a crackhead fool who has just been doing this so long he believes his own twisted philosophy which makes no sense. Through the thick of it, Travis listens and talks to himself, ultimately is his own worst enemy. The Wizard appears as the x factor who pushes Travis to fulfill his needs to go on this vigilante mission.

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